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Helping you find peace in the present moment
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For individuals and businesses-On line or in person.

Anyone can feel stressed, anxious, worried, or overwhelmed from time to time, we're human.

But being constantly troubled by these emotions and mental states can lead to serious health problems.  In the same way that our physical bodies require food and water, our often-neglected minds need good management.


"We only have

moments to live".

Living mindfully offers you a lasting solution to not just re-claim peace and calm in your life, but give you the tools to live life to the full.

Remember..."we only have moments to live"

Why mindfulness?


Why Mindfulness?

We currently live with information overload, and stress related problems, such as burnout, have reached an all-time high. We need solutions to keep us on track.

It has been scientifically proven that regular mindful practice can help reduce stress, fear and anxiety, while improving general health and wellbeing.

Mindfulness is the art of living in the present - the here and now.

Maximising the daily life experience.

Maintaining awareness of life as it unfolds, moment by moment.

Becoming actively conscious of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations and the surrounding environmment.

Regular mindful practice can help reduce stress, fear and anxiety, while improving general health, 

and wellbeing.

We learn to observe them all with compassion, disengaging from our inner critic, while thinking or doing one thing at a time.

Sounds simple enough, and it is, BUT ……it’s not always easy.


Life is to be enjoyed

not endured



If you're feeling stressed, anxious, worried, overwhelmed, distracted, unable to concentrate or even scared...

If your mind is forever projecting into the future or dwelling in the past which is constantly robbing you from the reality of the present moment...

If your sleep is poor and you wake up tired...

If there is too much chatter in your mind...

Ask yourself the question : "Am I ready to make

some changes?"


If any of these issues are affecting you and you feel ready for a change ...

Contact me
Your business


Your Business

Incorporating mindfulness into your business can enable your team to maximize both their wellbeing and performance simultaneously, by focusing on the root-level muscles that impact both.

Most teams work too hard, experience too much internal and external conflict leading to stress, friction and often burnout.

Maximise wellbeing

and performance

Innovative corporations such as Google and Goldman Sachs have improved efficiency and enhanced the general wellbeing of their employees by actively embracing daily mindful practice within the workplace.

Contact me to discuss how I can incorporate mindfulness to your business.

Contact me



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I’m Paul, and my passion is coaching people on how  to avoid suffering unnecessarily from stress related problems, by living mindfully.

I spent 35 years working as an international interior designer and project manager based in London and Monaco, before training to become a mindfulness coach. I view it as a natural progression. Today my primary interest is in helping clients re-design the interior of their mind; coaching them in this process as efficiently and enjoyably as possible

In my life I have experienced both addiction and burnout, having found long lasting solutions for each, and I've enjoyed many opportunities in helping others do the same.

Today my primary interest is in helping clients re-design the interior of their mind...

I’ve studied with the British institute of mindfulness and with the institute of counselling (Glasgow). 

I speak French, enjoy walking, writing, meeting people, discovering new aspects about life in the here and now, taking pictures and I’m rather fond of motorbikes.

I'm married to Muriel who is a doctor of Endocrinology, a nutritionist, a clinical counsellor and the creator of the company Food n' Mood.




If you’re still reading this far I’m guessing you may have answered “YES” to one or more of the questions in the ‘YOU’ section.

Whether you want to experience an introduction to mindfulness, work on a specific issue in your life or take a dive into a personalised mindfulness immersion experience, I know I can help you.

Let’s make it happen!

Drop me an e mail to outline where you, or your business, are at in this moment so we can look together at where you’d like to be.

I know I can help you, 

Let's make it happen!

Mindful energy

Mindful energy

Let me tell you a story...

Let me tell you a story...

A place to meditate

A place to meditate

Deep and green

Deep and green

Mindful mouvements

Mindful mouvements

Nature doing its very beautiful thing

Nature doing its very beautiful thing

We made it!

We made it!

The lonesome trail

The lonesome trail

The sound of the bowl

The sound of the bowl

Nature in pink

Nature in pink

Meet the gang

Meet the gang

The daisy trail

The daisy trail

Mindful smiles

Mindful smiles

What's on offer?


What's on offer?

The designer in me is still very active, so It's normal for me to customise and re-shape meditations and applications to suit individual or corporate needs while enhancing core value.

Nice baie des anges is my front garden,  and the forest park of Mont Boron my back garden. This area provides a perfect platform to experience mindful activities all year round.

Contact us for pricing.

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Introduction to mindfulness

 (2 hours)


We take a 2-hour walk to re-connect with our senses.

Being in nature is a great place to get re-centred. Easy level, with regular pauses to meditate and explore our senses, while taking in the stunning scenery.

Personal breakthrough often begins right here.

One-on-one coaching

(1 to 2 hours)

This is ideal for people who’d like to go deeper and incorporate mindfulness into their daily life. One-on-one coaching allows us to focus specifically on your needs and to follow your pace. 

Sessions are face to face or online.

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Group coaching

 (1 to 2 hours)

This is ideal if you like interacting with people. The group dynamic will allow you to exchange with each other and to grow together in mindful living

Ideally we'll meet for 2 hours every week for 8 weeks

Sessions are face to face or online.

Full immersion

Led by Muriel and myself. This is where we create a safe space to help you identify and work through at a deeper level, specific issues or problems that have prevented or blocked you from living the life you want.

Fears, phobias, chronic stress, hyper anxiety, eating or sleeping disorders, relational issues, low self-esteem... 

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Using our combined skill sets we’ll create and guide you through a personalised plan which will incorporate : mindful coaching, guided meditations, counselling and a teaching on brain health.

Whether you experience a rapid or gradual breakthrough, the immersions always offer a solid foundation which opens the door to a healing path and wellness.

We’re pro-active people offering a 2 on 1 ratio to help you find back your peace and freedom.

We include healthy home prepared meals.

One day full immersion : duration 9 am to 6 pm. Includes lunch & refreshments.

Weekend full immersion : duration Saturday 9am - 6pm – Sunday 9am - 4pm. Includes 2 lunches one evening meal & refreshments.

* contact us for pricing and a list of local accomodation.

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Your journey starts now

We literally only have ‘moments to live’ so let’s become collectors of
fine moments

Send me a message

Thanks for submitting!



+33 6 72 28 72 78

Mont-Boron, 06300 Nice


Payment options :    Bank Transfer 

Paypal or card

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I strive to be inclusive. If pricing is problematic, drop me a line and I’ll aim to work something out. 

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Conformément aux articles L.616-1 et R.616-1 du code de la consommation, notre entreprise a mis en place un dispositif de médiation de la consommation. L'entité de médiation retenue est : CNPM - MEDIATION - CONSOMMATION. En cas de litige, vous pouvez déposer votre réclamation sur son site : ou par voie postale en écrivant à CNPM - MEDIATION - CONSOMMATION - 27 Avenue de la Libération 42400 SAINT-CHAMOND"

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